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영어로 보는 한국의 역사문화유산 [History & Culture Essay Photograph Collection] The Villages with a long History, Hahoe and Yangdong Folk Village

선비들의 삶과 민초의 삶이 함께 어우러진 곳, 세계문화유산인 안동 하회마을과 경주 양동마을에 대한에 대한 사진, 스토리로 구성되어 있는 영어로 된 책입니다. It is a collection of photograph Essay about the World Heritage, Andong Hahoe Folk Village and Gyeongju Yangdong Folk Village, where the lives of the 'Sonbi'(classical scholar) and the people are mingled, which have been only in the book and in the image in our head. Let's leave for fun and informative storie..
선비들의 삶과 민초의 삶이 함께 어우러진 곳, 세계문화유산인 안동 하회마을과 경주 양동마을에 대한에 대한 사진, 스토리로 구성되어 있는 영어로 된 책입니다. It is a collection of photograph Essay about the World Heritage, Andong Hahoe Folk Village and Gyeongju Yangdong Folk Village, where the lives of the 'Sonbi'(classical scholar) and the people are mingled, which have been only in the book and in the image in our head. Let's leave for fun and informative stories about the old villages that came over here from the time in the past: they include the great scholar, Ryu Unryong; the hero for saving nation, Ryu Seongyoung; the spiritual mentor of Yi Hwang, YI Eonjeok; the representative figure of 'Cheongbaekri'(a man of integrity), Son Jungdon, who spent their childhood with studying and playing in the villages and left their names in history after death.
Photograph & Writing : Kim, Young Tae
Kim, Young Tae is a poet and photographer who has written more than 100 books. including , , , , , , and he has been working on extensive photo shoot, sketch and storytelling on culture, history and education of Korea.

Translation : Calvin K.S Moon
Calvin K.S Moon is currently working as a research director at the Asia Association of English Education, Incorporated and has been developing Solutions and Contents for "Efficient Way of studying English Under EFL(English as a Foreign Language)environment. So far, He and his team has developed more than 1,000 e-book contents for learning English and he himself has written and translated many English textbooks including , , , . He holds a M. A degree from the Fuller Theological Seminary in the United States and an EMBA degree from the Helsinki School of Economics in Finland. He has a carrier with a professor at the Department of Business Administration at Kyungbok University and Myungji University for over 10 years. He also has fame in working as a special lecturer for more than 50 universities including Hanyang University, Konkuk University, Kyunghee University and Ewha Womans University.

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