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영어로 보는 한국의 역사문화유산 [History & Culture Essay Photograph Collection] To meet the 1000 years history of Silla Kingdom, Gyeongju

천년이 넘는 시간, 아직도 생생히 살아 숨 쉬는 역사 이야기가 있는 세계문화유산인 경주에 대한 사진, 스토리로 구성되어 있는 영어로 된 책입니다. It is a photo essay about Gyeongju, a World Cultural Heritage containing 1000 years of history that is still living and breathing vividly. Let's leave for the fun and informative hidden stories about Gyeongju where: the beauty of Buddhism and delicate sculptures unique to Silla Dynasty are left everywhere; the kin..
천년이 넘는 시간, 아직도 생생히 살아 숨 쉬는 역사 이야기가 있는 세계문화유산인 경주에 대한 사진, 스토리로 구성되어 있는 영어로 된 책입니다. It is a photo essay about Gyeongju, a World Cultural Heritage containing 1000 years of history that is still living and breathing vividly. Let's leave for the fun and informative hidden stories about Gyeongju where: the beauty of Buddhism and delicate sculptures unique to Silla Dynasty are left everywhere; the kings who worried about the safety of the country even after the death were buried; the traces of the main figures who unified the three kingdoms confused like mist and became the masters of history are found.
Photograph & Writing : Kim, Young Tae
Kim, Young Tae is a poet and photographer who has written more than 100 books. including , , , , , , and he has been working on extensive photo shoot, sketch and storytelling on culture, history and education of Korea.

Translation : Calvin K.S Moon
Calvin K.S Moon is currently working as a research director at the Asia Association of English Education, Incorporated and has been developing Solutions and Contents for "Efficient Way of studying English Under EFL(English as a Foreign Language)environment. So far, He and his team has developed more than 1,000 e-book contents for learning English and he himself has written and translated many English textbooks including , , , . He holds a M. A degree from the Fuller Theological Seminary in the United States and an EMBA degree from the Helsinki School of Economics in Finland. He has a carrier with a professor at the Department of Business Administration at Kyungbok University and Myungji University for over 10 years. He also has fame in working as a special lecturer for more than 50 universities including Hanyang University, Konkuk University, Kyunghee University and Ewha Womans University.

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